Top-Secret Government Building Offers Unparalleled Income Potential

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The “Amazon Secret Royalty Program” Can Help Anyone Retire Like Royalty


A unique type of investment could help you make more money than you will need for the rest of your life.

It's what we call the “Amazon secret royalty program.” It's an income stream that allows you to collect $1,000s… $10,000s… or more every year!

In fact, Business Insider says this type of investment could provide “enough money to live off of each year, without having any other retirement plan…”

“Royalties” are the most exciting investments in history. Put simply, they're periodic payouts… That could deliver all the money you need for your retirement…

While these “royalties” are different from traditional royalties, just one could hand you enough income to live life on your own terms.

And it only takes a few minutes to set up.

Learn how to collect your first payout before September 10th.

Chris’ note: What has a top-secret government building to do with building steady streams of stock market income?

For the answer, we turn today to friend of Legacy Research Brad Thomas.

He’s one of America’s most widely read income investing experts. And he’s made it his mission to help his readers build their wealth using safe, reliable income streams through the stock market… no matter what’s going on with the markets or the economy.

And as he reveals below, there’s a mission-critical real estate play that’s a great way to pick up steady income… even in a recession.

There’s a secret building just off the highway at Annapolis Junction, Maryland.

It’s known only as NBP-1.

You need a high-security clearance level just to get into the parking lot…

The building known only as NBP-1

It’s rumored to be the headquarters of the National Security Agency’s (“NSA”) Technology and Systems Directorate.

It develops new technologies for collecting and processing signals intelligence.

In plain English, it’s where government hackers come up with new ways to steal other people’s data.

NBP-1 is nearly as well protected as the NSA’s main headquarters in Fort Meade across the highway.

But despite its secrecy… and the mission-critical work that goes on there… you can own a piece of NBP-1 and collect steady income checks as the NSA’s landlord.

Mission Critical

A real estate investment trust – or REIT – called Corporate Office Properties Trust (OFC) owns NBP-1.

A REIT is a special type of company that owns income producing real estate and shares the rent checks it earns with shareholders.

From its name, you’d be forgiven for thinking OFC is a plain old office real estate REIT.

But about 90% of OFC’s rent comes from the U.S. government and defense contractors.

And nearly half of the company’s core annual rent comes from its properties around Fort Meade.

That’s good news if you’re worried about a recession. The NSA won’t go bankrupt in a downturn. It gets its funding directly from the U.S. federal budget.

So, OFC’s rental checks are coming from a recession-proof source.

Rising Income Stream

Right now, OFC yields 4.8%.

And as defense spending continues to grow, demand for mission-critical facilities will rise.

That will allow OFC to raise rents and develop new buildings to increase its income stream.

Even better, OFC has a wide moat around its business.

Many of its buildings are leased for mission-critical uses. In the case of NBP-1, it houses some of the nation’s most sensitive secrets.

And OFC is one of a handful of REITs that knows how to meet the requirements for this kind of secure building. It’s been working with government agencies and defense contractors for more than 30 years.

As a result, there are only a few competitors that can offer the same resources and experience that OFC can.

And it’s not the only mission-critical play I’m excited about right now.

You can also a set up steady streams of rising income from one of the most successful companies in the world – Amazon.

Amazon’s Secret “Royalty” Program

I call it “Amazon’s Secret Royalty Program.”

And the way it works is simple…

You own a slice of a critical asset Amazon needs to stay in business. The company pays you for the rights to use it.

Unfortunately, most Americans have been kept in the dark about this source of income.

I calculate that fewer than 1 in 10 million investors are taking advantage of this publicly available opportunity.

That’s a shame… because hedge funds and in-the-know billionaires have been raking up Amazon “royalties” for years.

Like BlackRock. Last year, the world’s largest asset manager collected $449 million in Amazon “royalties.”

And The Vanguard Group, another global giant, received a $649 million payout.

Even Ray Dalio’s Bridgewater Associates is involved.

You may have heard of it. It’s the largest hedge fund in the world.

It dumped every share of Amazon stock they owned. And it moved into Amazon’s “royalty” program.


Because with this program you’re legally mandated to get paid – even if Amazon stock goes down.

I don’t have time here to cover all the details. But you can go here now to find out more.

It’s the best way I know of today to get paid while you sleep… even in a recession.

IRS loophole allows ANYONE to collect up to $28,544 before Sept. 10th


These folks got it made!

Thanks to a little-known IRS loophole…

They are collecting huge payouts from government-regulated “royalty programs”… every single year!

“Started from a zero balance… Just hit $1,200 a month in [royalties].” -Neil P.

Like Neil P., who is now collecting $1,200 a month in “royalties.”

“Increased my [royalties] to over $30,000 last year.” -Tom K.

Tom K. reports he's making $30,000 a year!

“Increased my [royalties] from about $2,000 to $60,000…” -Elaine T.

And Elaine T. boosted her payouts to $60,000 per year!

If you want to participate, you'd better hurry.

The next payout deadline is coming fast.

Learn how to collect your first payout before September 10th.