Our Mission

The World's Most Profitable Content

We're a community of free thinking Americans that grew out of a reaction to the financial crisis and retirement crisis in this country. We host a free central exchange of powerful underground ideas for investing, trading, income, asset ownership, and wealth preservation. These ideas are hand-selected by financial journalists in our community.

Adaptable Investor is an investment research newsletter that helps affluent baby boomers take control of their assets by helping them invest for themselves…

But, not how you might think…

Most of our subscribers come to us because they want to preserve and grow their wealth…

And they're sick of losing money in the stock market.

As you know, making massive gains is easier said than done.

You've probably seen many ads for investment newsletters…

You, like most of our subscribers, see these “investment experts” talking about their huge wins and successes…

You see the”legendary” stock picks that got 1000% returns in three seconds, and “The One Device” that's going to “change everything.”

So, like some of our subscribers, you may have paid for those products…

And then you may have received something that doesn't fulfill the promises they made to you.

Feeling misled by every “investment expert” you turn to?

Feeling like you've fallen for a bait and switch?

Feeling like “common knowledge” is being hyped up to be some big breakthrough?


Every investor in the world loses money sometimes. No matter how famous. No matter how successful…

And if someone isn't transparent with you about their losses, they're basically not helping you learn from their mistakes.

Think about it…

There are two major rules in investing, right?

One: Don't lose money
Two: Don't lose money

So if an “expert” isn't willing to show you their losses… and therefore protect you from making the same mistakes they did… how and why are they going to help you?

It's common sense.

And, we believe you should demand total transparency when it comes to something as important as your investments.

After all, your family's future depends on it.

And that's why we intend to be 100% transparent with our gains and losses.

We're not going to fill your inbox with promotional content.

We're not going to cherry pick our gains, or make absurd claims.

We're aiming for 100% truth…

And 100% growth.

To your success,

Adaptable Investor